Petra Bennet, one of the residents fighting to prevent the closure of Denver Meadows mobile home park, asks the question that haunts me as I make this film, “When are the rich rich enough?” 

We have much to learn about how much is enough from residents of mobile home parks, I believe. Time and again, as I film in these parks, I meet compassionate, eloquent people who cherish values of community and generosity, values which seem to have been lost in an aggressively materialistic, me-first society. 

They speak about community, about neighbors helping neighbors, about the happiness that comes from living a life that they can afford. They volunteer at homeless shelters; they lead Boy Scout troops; they collect cans to help fund worthy causes; they set aside what they can, even $5 a month, to give to their favorite charities, including the World Wildlife Fund and the local food bank. 

We need to hear these people, we need to see these people, we need to value them and everything they represent about the best of who we are as Americans. 

And we need to question who on earth are we becoming as Americans when housing that is on the very lowest rung of the American Dream is being bought up by the wealthiest of the wealthy seeking to make outrageous returns on their investments. When are the rich rich enough? Whose dream are we serving? 

-Sara Terry